Sunday, December 12, 2010

Look who has decided to join the party

I have only just finished the textures of Vulpes.  I have much to do with the rig before next semester.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Progress on Kate

Here is my progress on Kate.  I still have some work to do on her but this is close enough to get an idea of what she will look like.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

On the road to rigging and Texturing

Everything is moving fast as the semester comes to an end.  I have been learning a little bit of Modo on the side to texture my characters.  Here are a couple of texture/Facial Expression tests.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kate Weight Painting Pass 01

Kate has much work to do on her.  I need to rig deformations into all of the little bits and pieces of Kate like the skirt, sleeves, and bows which are all separate pieces of geometry.

Vulpes Weight Painting Pass 01

I worked a little bit more on painting weights for Vulpes.  I had to fix up the model more as I am still learning how to rig a quadruped.  I am happy to see that my ear design worked.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A quick stop in at where I am on Kate

This is an army of mouth shapes.  This is only one day of work.  I want to get the girl the have excitingly cute and scary facial expressiveness since people will be looking to the girl as the only human in the animation.  These are just some of the shapes on the mouth.  I have also begun work on a rig for a butterfly and I have sped up my progress on the storyboards.  I also start texturing this week.

I need to fix a couple of things on the vulpes model as well as the skeleton.  The rig should go quick.  It is going to be fun making the facial expressions for the fox.

Here is a test rig for the butterfly.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

First Pass on Vulpes

Vulpes is going to make this assignment fun.  He is my first quadrupede for rigging and modeling and animating.  Here is my first pass at vulpes, my child of artistic conception.

First Pass at Kate

I would like to thank Cecilia Wong and Becca Gilbert for their help on the design of the Adorable Kate.  Kate went through many stages before I drew up a final version.  She went from male to female and from age 6 to age 12 and back again.  Here is my first pass at the model.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The new website

Now that I have the new website up and running, it is ready for me to update with information.  In a week to two weeks I will start updating again.  Until then, here is some art from my thesis Midpoint review.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I updated my schedule so that you will know where I am at as of right now.  I have passed my midpoint.

Need a website revamp.

Until I can update my website I figured I would at least give information.  I switched back into the animation department as I found that Animation is where I truly fit whether it is for feature film or games, I can succeed in the Animation and Visual Effects Department.  With this change has also come a change in my thesis project....  Now, before you freak out, don't worry, My token fox is still there only now he is....
But the girl is still...